Meet Dahlia and her Mommy Alicia, ambassador 2022

Dahlia is the new ambassador 2022 of the COI Box!
Alicia, 28, cat mommy of Dahlia and Everest (Dahlia's dog brother) answered to our questions on her relationship with Instagram.

Where are you living?
- St Catharines, ON, Canada.

How old is Dahlia?
- 1.5

Is she going outside or is she staying home?
- She’s a total adventure cat!

For how long are your cat.s on Instagram?
- Since we got her (over a year).

Why did you open the account?
- To share her abundance of cuteness!

How often do you post per week?
- We used to post daily but when life gets a little busy we try to post at least a few times a week!

Why do you like Instagram?
- It’s fun, inspiring, easy to use, and we love engaging with such an ameowzing community!

What do you dislike on Instagram?
- The floofin’ algorithms and trying to figure out the constant changes on how to get engagement.
What is the best thing that happened to you on Instagram?
- Honestly, becoming part of such a great community!! I had no clue it existed until we made this account - everyone is so kind and we have so much love for every one of you!

What is your favourite media (Photo, video, reels, stories)and why?
- Photos and reels.
Photos are an obvious favourite but we love creating fun reels too! It shows off their personalities well which you don’t always get from photos.

How do you get your cat meowdeling (tips and tricks)?
- Treats, treats and more treats! 😂
Her #1 favourite is 100000% churus (or any similar style creamy tube treat) she’ll do anything for it - even pose outdoors! Her close second is a crunchy soft centred treat or freeze dried chicken
Get their attention with the treat, hold it just above the camera, and voila!

What is your favourite #?
- There’s too many to choose just one! But definitely #DahliaAndEverest!
What advice would you share to another cats account manager new on Instagram?
Find your ✨best lighting✨ (the KEY for any black pets!!! The struggle is real 😅)
Do what works for you - posting, engaging, etc. It should be fun! Not a chore.
And most importantly, MAKE FRIENDS! I’ve talked to a lot of people on here that don’t do that at all, and I can honestly say that it’s my favourite part about Instagram! Having friends overseas, getting to learn about different places/cultures around the world, inspiring each other and most importantly learning more about all our furry friends and their furmilies.
Thank you so much Alicia! 
Follow Dahlia's adventures on Instagram on @afloofnameddahlia

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