Meet Sushi and her Mommy Mada, ambassador 2022

Sushi is the new ambassador 2022 of The COI Box!
We had the chance to get a nice interview with Mada, 27, Sushi's human, and to ask her all her secrets to run a fantastic Instagram account for cat!
Where are you living?
- Romania, Bucharest

How old is Sushi?
- 2 years old

Is she going outside or is she staying home?
- Sushi loves to go out for a walk, I take her with me when we go to the mountain hut, we go together for a walk in the park, she also loves the car rides!
For how long is Sushi on Instagram?
- we are on Instagram since June 2020 and Tik Tok since October 2021

Why did you open the account?
- I opened the account because I was spamming my friends with photos of Sushi and then one of my friends says “why you don’t open an Insta profile for Sushi so we can see her online!”

How often do you post per week?
- I try to post regularly, 3 photos / week and 2 reels / week

Why do you like Instagram?
- I think Instagram is more friendly than other social media network and the users are more selective on Insta.

What do you dislike on Instagram?
- I don't like the response to reporting and the fact that there are many fake accounts that are not closed on time even if they are reported.
What is the best thing that happened to you on Instagram?
- The best this is that a reel with Sushi went viral and it has over 1 million views and over 70 000 shares!!
- The collaborations
- My first giveaway
- And the fact that Sushi is loved by people and a lot of people write to me every day “OMG I have a cat just like Sushi!!"

What is your favourite media (Photo, video, reels, stories)and why?
- my fav are reels media and now the collab post, because it really helps your profile to grow and it can reach more people.

How do you get your cat meowdeling (tips and tricks)?
- a lot of treats when I take pictures of her and she becomes an angel! 

What is your favourite #?
#kittyloveclub #viralcat #tabbycatclub

What advice would you share to another cats account manager new on Instagram?
- to find something fun for her/his cat, this way the cat will not feel stressed when you took pictures
- And post constantly
Thank you so much Mada! 
Follow Sushi's adventures on Instagram on @sushi_doing_things

1 comment

  • What a beautiful family photo ❤️


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