Meet Onyx and Teddy and their Mommy Trine, ambassadors 2022

Onyx and Teddy are the new ambassadors 2022 of the COI Box!
We interviewed Trine, 35, cat-mom of Onyx and Teddy, we asked her how she manages an Instagram account with 2 cats!
Where are you living?
- In Moss in Norway.
How old are Onyx and Teddy?
- Onyx is 4 born on 15.11.2017.
Teddy is 2 born on 10.10.2019.

Are they going outside or are they staying home?
- I go on walks with Onyx, Teddy is at home, but they go on the balcony.

For how long are your cats on Instagram?
- I started with Onyx in 2019.

Why did you open the account?
- I though it would be fun to start an account for my cat, and I needed a place to have an outlet, I suffer with ADHD, so it is nice to have a place where that does not matter.
How often do you post per week?
At least 3-4 post a week, hopefully I will do more.

Why do you like Instagram?
- I love the COI community, and love that we have gotten so many lovely furriends.

What do you dislike on Instagram?
- That all of a sudden they change things, that the views goes bad, that you get blocked, and all of that. The algorithms suck.

What is the best thing that happened to you on Instagram?
- Meeting so many lovely people, and to get to meowdel and have fun.

What is your favourite media (Photo, video, reels, stories) and why?
- I love the photos, I am not too good at the others.

How do you get your cat meowdeling (tips and tricks)?
- They need some cuddles and treats being such good boys, and I do most of my pictures in the morning, after they have eaten.

What is your favourite #? 
#onyxteddy #catlife

What advice would you share to another cats account manager new on Instagram?
- Do it because you think it is fun, don't stress about it, it is a nice way to bond with each others!
Thank you so much Trine! 
Follow Onyx and Teddy's adventures on Instagram on @onyxandteddy

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