Meet Yumi, Momo and Mochi, and their Mommy Seran, ambassadors 2022

Yumi, Momo and Mochi are the new ambassadors 2022 of the COI Box!
Seran, 28, is cat mama of three! Yumi and Momo are sisters and Mochi is the new brother at home! Seran took time to give us her secret on how she manages an Instagram account for her three cats!

Where are you living?
- I'm from Turkey, living in a beautiful seaside town called Marmaris.

How old are they?
- Yumi and Momo are 1 year old, we adopted them on Feb 2021 when they were kittens. And Mochi is 8 months old, he will be 1 year old on July 2022.

Are they going outside or are they staying home?
- They are house cats, but we are planning to take them outside for walkies and photoshoots.

For how long are your cats on Instagram?
- I opened this account on March 2021.

Why did you open the account?
- Yumi and Momo were so cute when they were kittens and I wanted to share this cuteness to the world!

How often do you post per week?
- I usually post 2-3 times a week.

Why do you like Instagram?
- It's a perfect network of reaching to different variety of cultures, ideas, and people around the world so easily and fast.
What do you dislike on Instagram?
- I think it's evolving into a massive marketing world. Too many influencers, too many ads, fake product comments, fake news, fake lives. It is hard to find things that are real, and suitable for your way of thinking.

What is the best thing that happened to you on Instagram?
- Creating a cat account and managing it as if the cats are using the phone is very weird but at the same time so much fun haha!

What is your favourite media (Photo, video, reels, stories)and why?
- Photos and stories, but I'm trying to make more reels too. I think reels fade away very fast, because viral songs and popular ideas gets old so fast when a new one comes. But a photo always stays, it is a product of the moment.
How do you get your cat meowdeling (tips and tricks)?
- I usually use their favourite toys in front of the phone camera. And when they just sit and pose I give them a treat so they understand posing is good for them! Last time I used bubbles too, when it pops they get excited and trying to understand where did it go so they make funny faces and poses ahah also it is a good theme for photoshoot too.

CWhat is your favourite #?
- My fav hashtag is #catfluencer.

What advice would you share to another cats account manager new on Instagram?
- To be friends with as much people as they can, and creating their own style and theme. Establishing a special community around them will help to improve a lot.
Thank you so much Seran! 
Follow Yumi, Momo and Mochi's adventures on Instagram on @yumochies_family

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