Just Breath

So many times, I found myself over stressing because it’s 10pm and I didn’t post on Pikachu’s account and I don’t have any inspiration!😱

But you know what? It’s okay not to post every single day. Your followers won’t leave you because you missed a day. They still love you and your content. Your true fans would even ask you if everything is okay!

It happened to me once, I have a few very fans that react to every post, every story, and who I discuss with. And one of them told me in DM that she misses Pikachu the day I didn’t post! These kind of words help me going forward 💕

The thing of course is to keep posting regularly, if you feel like posting daily is too much and you can’t keep up, post every two days!

Prefer the quality to the quantity 😉

What is your feedback on this? Do you feel behind sometimes? What is your tip to keep it up??

Share your experience and read others!
And remember : REAL LIFE FIRST 💖

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