You need help

Valentin and Pikachu
Meet my partner/assistant Valentin!

I have been posting pictures of my cat on Instagram for 5 years now, and I know how difficult AND frustrating it can be to have an idea of photo shooting but not being able to complete it because you cannot hold the camera, wave the jingling toy, and place your cat on the set all by yourself at the same time 😤
The cat doesn’t stay, doesn’t look, or just sleeps in the decor 😅

And then comes the help of the assistant! 😇 At home, when I make complicated decor I ask for the assistance of Valentin. I hold the camera, he waves the toys! 😌 And we produce amazing pictures and short videos, what a great team we make!

Thank you Valentin ❤️

Who's your assistant? What would you do without him/her?

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